Thursday, October 27, 2011

Goal Updates

Since we extended the end date of the United Way Campaign, we have had a decent bump in the numbers from Monday.

  • We have 35% participation - the goal is 53% - so we still have a ways to go there. 
  • We have raised $27,139, or 77% of the way to our $35,000 goal. It's getting closer. 

There is still time to make your pledge or one-time donation. Download your pledge card from the link at the left top of this page. 
I know we can reach the goal - it only take a couple minutes to fill out the pledge. There many ways to donate:

  • Personal Check
  • Cash
  • Bill on a certain date
  • Gift of securities or stock (You will need to talk with United Way after you turn in the pledge) 
  • Credit Card

Or best of all...
Payroll Deduction - the best way to give on an ongoing basis. 

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