Thursday, October 27, 2011

Blood drive A success

Thanks to everyone who stepped to meet and beat Jen Perlee's goal of 102 pints of blood donated at the Champlain College Staff Council fall blood drive. It was the best ever, she said. 

  • 128 presenting donors
  • 52 First timers (up by 20 from last year)
  • 102 Pints of blood collected (beating last year by 1!)
  • Up to 306 lives we helped!

Thanks to everyone that donated their blood, sweat, and maybe even some tears. J
 Our students were awesome yesterday with some walk-ins waiting over 1.5 hours to donate. Thanks again till next year…when I’ll be back to beg for your blood again!
If you missed the drive don’t forget you can always to the center:
32 North Prospect Street
Burlington, VT 05401
800-RED-CROSS to make an appt.

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