Tuesday, October 4, 2011

2011 Campaign Begins Oct. 7

Dear Champlainers,

The 2011 Champlain College United Way Campaign begins Friday, Oct. 7 at the Town Meeting at 8:15 a.m.

We set an ambitious goal of $35,000 and a participation rate of 53 percent because the needs continue to grow for so many in our community. This year, many people are struggling to recover from tropical storm Irene which disrupted people’s lives, homes and businesses. The impact on human and social services in Chittenden County and our neighbors is magnified this year.

Chauncey T. Beaver and I are back for a second year co-chairing the Champlain College United Way campaign for one simple reason – we are confident that you will step up and help us meet the ambitious goals.

This year’s theme is “Let’s Give a Dam and Help Others.”

Your donations last year through the Champlain College United Way of Chittenden County campaign helped our local United Way reach its $4 million Community Fund goal.

We raised $31,000 with just under half of you participating. It was one of the many tangible ways Champlain faculty, staff and students demonstrated their giving spirit. It happens at campus blood drives; taking a pie in the face to help DREAM mentoring; sleeping out on Aiken Lawn during Tent City’s homeless awareness campaign in November, or volunteering countless hours to help children, the elderly and those in greatest need in Vermont.

Everyone is busy this fall, so with your help, we plan to squeeze the campus campaign into a couple short weeks. The biggest step toward success is if you turn in your completed pledge form on the first day of the campaign. One benefit is you’ll be qualified for all the best prizes.

Like last year, the best prizes and incentives will be offered early in the campaign.

Pledge packets will be available Friday morning at Alumni Auditorium at Town Meeting. Everyone who turns in a completed pledge form by 5 p.m. that day will be eligible for the drawing to win an iPad, generously donated by the Information Services Department. The winner will be announced Tuesday, Oct. 11 on the Champlain United Way Campaign blog.

Can’t make Friday’s Town Hall meeting? Download the pledge form from the blog and send it in to Julie Richards Box #11 or drop off at Perry Hall room 322 or with Steve Mease at Lakeside (second floor) by 5 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 7 and you will be entered in the iPad drawing. Be sure to keep a copy of the form for your tax records.

Please consider a gift through payroll deduction. It’s the easiest way to give a little more than you might if you just wrote one check. Remember, you also have the option to designate your gift to the Community Care Fund, specific impact areas, another United Way, or a specific United Way agency.

Your gift makes a real difference to those in need. Thank you for your generous support!

Steve and Chauncey

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