Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Visit Us at the Benefits Fair

Champlainers, here’s your mid-week reminder about the 2012 Champlain College Community Campaign.
We are in the second week of the October campaign to raise $35,000 with a goal of a 50% staff and faculty participation rate.

The great news is that we have a fresh total to report!
·         $25,417 pledged toward our goal of $35,000 – 72% of the way to the goal!
·         80 people for a 23.1% participation rate toward 50%.

In case you didn’t check the this week, the winner of the Apple iPad was Jean Marie Severance of the EHS office. Congratulations and thank you for your participation and pledge.

The next incentive raffle will be Friday, Oct. 19 at 5 p.m. for all pledges received.   

The Kennedy Rocker, donated by Spruce Mortgage Inc.

You can turn your pledge cards into
Julie C. Richards,  Academic & Student Services Advisor, Perry Hall, 322 or
Drop them off with Human Resources at Lakeside Miller Center, Second Floor.

Don’t forget to visit the United Way table at the Human Resources & Organizational Development Fair:

Oct. 18, 11a.m.–2p.m., IDX Student Life Center.
Pledge cards, information about United Way and Volunteer Opportunities will be available.
ALSO: Pumpkin Carving Contest, Bring your carved or painted pumpkin between 9:30-11 a.m.
Place loose change into collection jars to vote for the winner at the Benefits Fair.
Prizes for best department/division and best individual pumpkin!
The proceeds will go toward the Champlain Community Campaign!

And save the date for the Staff Council “Starve a Vampire” Blood Drive on
Tuesday Oct. 30 in Hauke Conference Room 102, 10:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Volunteers are still needed to help, contact Jenn Perlee,,  865-6453 if you would like to help. 

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