Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Rainbow Connection and United Way

I hope you saw this wonderful rainbow over campus this past Saturday. Certainly a good sign leading to the announcement of our $10M gift to the College from the Stiller Family Foundation. And a good reminder to be generous with our time and treasure to make sure others in our community are able to enjoy the beauty all around us. 

Here’s your mid-week reminder about the 2012 Champlain College Community Campaign.
We are in the third week of the October campaign to raise $35,000 with a goal of a 50% staff and faculty participation rate.

The great news is that we have a fresh total to report and a very doable remainder to reach our goal.

·                    $31, 252 pledged toward our goal of $35,000 – 89% of the way to the goal!
·                    90 people for a 26% participation rate toward 50%.

The winner of the Kennedy Rocker, donated by Spruce Mortgage, is Program Director of  Hospitality & Restaurant Mgmt - Event Mgmt/Associate Prof. Peter Straube. Congratulations and thank you for your participation and pledge.

The next incentive raffle will be for all pledges received by Friday, Oct. 26 at 5 p.m. for all pledges received.   

The Good News for everyone who is eligible i.e. turned in a completed pledge form – the prize list continues to grow.
New this week:
·                    A pair of tickets to see Lyric Theatre Company’s production of RENT thanks to Pat Boera of Career Services.
·                    A 25-meal plan at the Sodexo Dining Hall at Champlain College – courtesy of Ted DeGrande of Sodexo.
·                    A $200 Travel Voucher from Child’s Travel.

You can turn in your pledge cards  anytime with
Julie C. Richards,  Academic & Student Services Advisor, Perry Hall, 322 or
Drop them off with Human Resources at Lakeside Miller Center, Second Floor.
Send them through inter-office mail to Julie Richards, Box 322, Perry Hall.

One of the 2012 Champlain College Community Campaign goals is to offer educational opportunities to the faculty, staff and our students related to the services we support through our annual United Way gifts.
There are 64 programs at 30 United Way member agencies which received funding this year, including  Spectrum Youth and Family Services, which directly works with teenagers and young adults. Spectrum has been recognized locally and nationally for best practices programs empowering teenagers and young adults through positive changes.  It received $45,000 this year through the United Way allocation process for counseling services.

Mark Redmond,  Executive Director of Spectrum Youth & Family Services, will be on campus for two, hour-long sessions to talk about how United Way contributions directly impact their organization and clients. 

Please join us for one or both of these gatherings THIS WEEK:

·         Oct. 25, Thursday – Miller Center at Lakeside 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
·         Oct. 26, Friday – Hauke Boardroom 12:30 to 1:30 p.m.

Bring your questions and learn more about Live United. Please encourage students to attend as well.

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